photo: Joey Lax-Salinas
I have written of this topic earlier as we wrapped up summer and entered the Autumn Equinox. This year is even more crucial to understanding the natural cycles of Life on a global level. As it appears to many that the world we have known is being disassembled and falling apart before our eyes. So the broader question is... what are we being asked to let go of on a grand scale?
Let us expand this dialogue as it applies to each of us as part of the whole, as we move as mass consciousness toward a new paradigm shift into our next evolutionary phase. What is our individual role in this shifting through the seasonal changes? In Body, Mind and Soul. As Life's rhythms also hold the key to healing as a global family.
For the purpose of allowing something greater to seek its rightful place, something of value for the planet and each creation upon it in the cycles of transformation, we must follow Life's design rather than man's interpretation.

Jean Beaufort “Butterfly”
Key is to discern the difference. All the riches and powers of the human condition cannot touch that which is of our Universal design and destiny. Illusion must fall away in body, mind and spirit. As the Cycle of Life continues with or without our acknowledgment or consent. We may as well learn how to ride that wave.
In the areas of seasonal change, when the days of summer became shorter to equal the night and energies began to shift downward into the earth in preparation for the stillness of winter's hiatus, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies also prepare for this natural transformation. Fall’s abundance is upon us and we cannot deny to reap what we have sown during the prior cycles of creation, both positive or not so.

Autumn Bounty photograph by James Kirkikis
While experiencing the abundance of that cycle such as a farmer's bounty of crops, nature is preparing us for the next shift. Whether aware of this cycle or not, our body, mind, spirit goes through a natural process of release. Like the leaves that fall to earth in autumn, so too do we discharge parts of our existence preparing to go within..
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
So here we are once again in the cycle. I look upon my own experience and sometimes forget why I'm once again dealing with this letting go, like it or not. And remind myself that much falls away during this cycle for each of us, part of nature's design around the ongoing cycles of the Wheel of Life. Whether on deep unconscious levels, massive intrusive ones or so subtle we hardly notice, other than the physical stirrings within our body and psyche. What is calling to be released? How did I create my present bounty, or why the lack of, and how to accept it without resistance. This arena of Life is where one faces both the challenges and the blessings inherently necessary for healing and evolution. Sometimes these lessons come with great discomfort.

Armor of God by Peggy Conrad
Here's where the rubber hits the road. In today's unprecedented times what is toxic to our natural design? Artificial Intelligence to enhance natural design? Mayhem and indoctrination of those still innocent? The herding of humans that all must be equal without variety and controlled like The Pied Piper leading the children off a cliff? Planned division of our colorful global family? A self-appointed few to rule all? What have we created collectively that we are seeing manifested currently? Why have we been so distracted to allow such distortions? Time to plant new seeds and to lift our swords of knowledge and strength and become Spiritual Warriors for right change according to a greater good. To understand what we must let go of individually and globally to slay the enemies; Fear, Ignorance, and Hate. And move forward with enhanced body and mind as we continue to fight this spiritual battle for earth's natural reign. (art source: Warriors4Christ)
We are the leaders we have been waiting for...
So once again...
For healing purposes, the association with Fall is loss, the sound is wailing, the color is whitish gray, the organs involved are lungs and large intestines. The lessons include courage and fortitude to let go, a challenge much easier said than accomplished and for some more intense than others determined by the need for change both conscious and unconscious; willing and unwilling. Mucus, colds, digestive ailments, grief, fears, depression, sorrow, wars, are some of the symptoms reflecting this release and which may create physical and emotional havoc. One cannot stop the process so may as well partner with it with fortitude and direction.

Mystic Shaman artists: Anupam cadiou gerard
Cleansings and detox, self reflection and journaling, spiritual and rhythmic meditations, forgiveness, faith, positive reinforcements, guided imagery, focus, patience and perserverance, self-nurturing, therapeutic support, prayer and contemplation, are some methods of assisting the cycle rather than blocking its natural passage with denial, addictive distractions, drugs, and all things unnatural to our human design. When we allow our discomforts to teach us, we can move closer to our goals; be they health, career, relationship or life in general as Stewards of our Worlds, both within and without. The Shamans of our fate...
Seek and you shall find. Reach out for support...much is available these days. Discern that which is harmonious with Life's rhythms and design, and not of the enemy's. Let Go of illusion.
Fall, the time of Oya and the Winds of Change...
West on the Medicine Wheel; the direction of inner contemplation. It is through our conscious participation of this rhythmic dance that transformation can reign supreme. To suffer is human, to evolve through this suffering is divine. As in a Shaman’s death in preparation of initiation, first must come the aknowledgment then disintegration of the old, and the fortitude to dance in the blood of it’s wake. And in today's world of much division and amnesia as to our divine design and rightful place as Children of the Universe, it becomes more imperative that we release and make room for our Creator to work it's magic through us, for healing, prosperity, growth and global evolution.
Then like the Phoenix rising from the ashes, Life can prepare us for opportunities on whatever level of existence is destined at that crossroad, in that cycle and in that place and time.

courtesy Phoenix Wallpapers
Again, I say unto you...
Fall, a time to release that which no longer serves our path's purpose, making room for the yet unmanifested miracles we have envisioned for ourselves and for our world. Tap this process wisely and let Oya's lessons guide, support and teach us through this universal design of change; death and regeneration. As we acknowledge we are ONE world, ONE mind, ONE heart.
Blessed Be...